SEO not growing?

  • Not enough expertise in SEO of a big website?
  • You have no idea where to start first?
  • Technical SEO seems tough?
  • Don't have experience of an effective work with logs?
  • You are never sure what SEO optimisations will have impact on SEO traffic growth?
Request an audit Our Team of SEO experts will Help You

SEO not growing?

Why should you suffer all this manual timeless excel job? Why should your clients lose SEO opportunities?

SEO audit of JetOctopus consists of:


Crawl Budget Analysis

We analyze Site Visibility for Googlebot, which part of the website is visited and which one is ignored and why. What to change to increase Site Visibility.


Interlinking analysis

Interlinking is one of the most impactful criteria on Googlebot. Here we investigate the opportunities and offer solutions how to enrich Interlinking.


JavaScript SEO performance

If you have JS and don't check SEO performance it definitely harms your SEO. We will fix it.


On-page SEO

Check of all On-page SEO errors and provide you the tasks for optimisations with all the priorities.


SERP efficiency analysis

Profound analysis of what is working well and what the opportunities are. The exact task list here too.


Setting up Alerts

We cover with alerts On-page SEO, Googlebot's drops, SERP efficiency changes and you will be the first who knows if something is broken to fix ontime before Googlebot indexes it.

After the audit is done and sent to the customer there is a QA call with SEO expert to explain all in person.

Testimonials speak louder than our words

Here is the Roadmap of profound SEO expert support to all our customers

Full crawl
Full crawl of your site
Logs integration
Logs integration
GSC/GA integration
GSC/GA integration
Alerts settings
Alerts settings
Full crawl
Brainstorm session with JetOctopus tech SEO expert: where to start and why
Logs integration
1st full tech SEO audit with the most critical and impactful optimisations 
GSC/GA integration
Assisting the implementation Stage
Alerts settings
Q&A Session
Full crawl
After 3 months the 2nd profound audit: dynamics, Comparison, new tasks
Logs integration
Caring and support the implementation
GSC/GA integration
After 3 months the 3rd audit: main wins/dynamics/new opportunities
image octopus image octopus

1st year of collaboration

Workshop on Logs Workshop on GSC
Workshop on Join Datasets Workshop on Alerts
Workshop on Logs Workshop on GSC

Look at some screens of SEO expert audit done by our team

1. Understand Googlebot’s behavior at your website first


2. And make correlation with Organic traffic


3. After the SEO diagnosis there are concrete tasks:

Tasks for now that will change the situation for the better

1. Adjust the canonical on the pagination pages.

If you have a look at the new pages in the SERP, more than 5,000 of them are pagination pages. These pages will replace the main URLs in the search results. So, URLs like should contain <link rel="canonical" href=""> .

2. Try to raise the link block higher and avoid hiding links.

Internal linking doesn't matter much to search engines now. Pages with thousands of internal links are not visited by search engines. One of the possible reasons is that the links are located too low in the code and not all are displayed.

3. Submit some URLs for reindexing.

After that, send the URLs that have not been visited by bots for a long time and have old snapshots in the cache to be re-indexed, remove the old texts. List of URLs. Next, send the second list of URLs for reindexing.

4. Fix sitemap and include all the URLs you want to see in SERP.

These are not only cities and states, but also offers.

4. The tasks are described the way that you just give it to your team right away

Internal Linking

According to the analysis, the potential of internal linking is not used to the full. Pages that have several thousand internal links are not visited by search engines very often. As a result, pages have few impressions and updated content, texts, optimization of pages are not taken into account during ranking.

  • Indexable pages with 999 and more inlinks: 4115 (link).
  • Only 2075 are visited by Googlebot (link). Of them, 1637 have a load time of 2 seconds or more (link).
  • Are present in Google Search Console and logs: 1064 URLs (link). And only 8 pages have CTR more than 2% (link).

So, we can hypothesize that the load time is more important for the ranking of your website pages. And that is why it is important to improve this indicator.

After improving the load time for users and robots, you can increase the number of internal links for individual pages.

  1. There are URLs without internal linking blocks (like Here is a list of pages that do not have internal linking blocks. On average, a page without main content contains up to 30 links due to links in the footer and header. You can add link blocks to these pages.
  2. B) To strengthen the internal linking, use high volume keywords instead of non-unique anchors. For example, a page with high impressions petersburg has three types of anchors: listing title, city in breadcrumb, and "buy" from the header. You can use relevant keywords to make your anchors unique. Google Search Console can be the source.