May 29, 2020
by Julia Nesterets

Video Guide: Google Search Console integration in JetOctopus

What do you think of when you hear Google Search Console?

Yes, Google Search Console helps website owners to monitor their site`s performance in SERPs, and it seems that we cannot receive even more value than we already do.

But this is wrong. In this video, we`ll show you how GSC integration works in JetOctopus.

Small Spoilers:

  • see the dynamics by comparing the data of impressions, clicks, click-through rate with previous periods to know whether it has increased/dropped, and what is the percent of change.
  • cut your website’s performance by sections and get lists of URLs for each scenario.
  • find out how your ranking positions correlate with the number of clicks
  • which keywords rank more successfully on your website
  • which URLs compete with one another for the same query causing cannibalization.


And, as a dessert, merge the data from three reports – crawl + logs + GSC and find absolutely any information on your website! Find:

  1. Pages In site structure, that are visited by bots and receive impressions – and consider them an example to be followed.
  2. Pages In site structure, and are also visited by a bot – but on the contrary, bring neither impressions nor clicks – and find out Why.
  3. Pages Not In site structure, but get visits and impressions, and bring clicks – they are more likely stealing your traffic.
More videos from JetOctopus are here


  • 00:06 Overview: total number of keywords, impressions, clicks, active pages and comparison of data with a particular period”
  • 01:59 Insights: which position in SERP brings you more/less traffic, how much words users use to find your website
  • 04:04 Impact: overlapping of GSC with crawler data. On which stage (crawling/indexation/impression) your webpages lose opportunities
  • 07:04 Keywords: the efficiency of search queries
  • 12:14 Cannibalization: how many pages are competing for each query
  • 14:04 Winners: list of pages with positive dynamic
  • 15:10 Losers: list of pages with negative dynamic
  • 16:07 Datatable: how to add GSC metrics to the list of crawled pages
  • 20:26 Integration: how to add GSC data to your project
About Julia Nesterets
Julia Nesterets is the co-founder and CEO of JetOctopus. With 10+ years in marketing and sales, she helps to identify our clients' needs to the fullest. She can explain complex ideas by simplifying them which makes her a very valuable asset to JO.

She is also a very social person. You can catch up with Julia on Digital Olympus, BrightonSEO, and Slush conferences for some small talk. You can also find Julia on Twitter and LinkedIn .



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