May 27, 2020
by Serge Bezborodov
TOP 5 fashion shops. Technical epic fails (H&M, Asos, Nordstrom, Gamiss, Uniqlo)
Looking at the websites that get a lot of traffic some might think that this is due to their technical perfection. Others are convinced that the older such websites are, the more...
May 27, 2020
by greatcontent
Quantity vs Quality in SEO is a Myth: Here’s Why
Knowing how to move from small-scale content production to managing thousands of product descriptions, internal linking strategies, and multi-channel marketing can seem like a...
May 27, 2020
by Ann
Logs Analysis For SEO Boost
Logs are the unique data that are 100% accurate to fully understanding how Googlebot crawls the website. Deep logs analysis can help to boost indexability and ranking, get...
May 27, 2020
by Tsvetelina Yordanova
Internal links matter more than ever in 2020: Here is why
More than 80 percent of the internet surfers only visit the top five results when they search for a keyword on Google or other search engines. For that reason, the process of...
May 27, 2020
by Serge Bezborodov
Product Update: Linking Explorer – a database on interlinking for each page
Interlinking is one of the most powerful tools for the technical optimization of a big web-site. Thanks to interlinking factors it’s easy to get the pages several points up...
May 27, 2020
by Ann
How to canonize URLs. Dos and don’ts
When search bot crawls your website and finds similar data on multiple URLs, it doesn’t know how to treat your content. In most cases, bot trusts the clues you give it (unless...
May 27, 2020
by Julia Nesterets
Big Google Search Console Update in JetOctopus
We are so excited by this update because it totally changes the way of interacting with GSC data. We used to watch the trends of Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Positions, etc. It gave...
May 27, 2020
by Ann
8 Common Robots.txt Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Yes, Robots.txt can be ignored by bots and yes, it's not secure: everyone could see the content of this file. Nevertheless, well-considered robots.txt helps to deliver your...
May 26, 2020
by Serge Bezborodov
Simple Lifehack: How to Create a Site That Will Never Go Down
Recently we’ve read the sad post on Facebook about sudden hardware malfunction. There was no one to help, and cunning competitors used to submit URL tools and as a result, the...
May 26, 2020
by Ann
What You Should Know About rel=next and rel=prev Google update
Recently Google Webmaster Central Office announced a series of SEO updates with a hashtag #springiscomning in Twitter. News about the new way Google will treat pagination...



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